Are you interested in opportunities to
meet new people, strengthen friendships,
learn more about our city and engage
more people in our history?
We have plenty of opportunities for
volunteers. Share your expertise and
willingness to work with us.
Sign up today!

Volunteer Application
Building a Legacy Together
Thank you for your interest in the Museum of Pell City volunteer program. Please complete the application below. Upon receiving your application, you will be contacted to schedule an onsite interview to discuss your interests and available volunteer opportunities. All volunteers complete an orientation before they start working with us.
Volunteers play a critical role in the Museum of Pell City, and we hope you can be a member of our invaluable team!
Or you can download a PDF printable version HERE and drop it by the museum during regular business hours or mail it to:
Museum of Pell City
P.O. Box 129
Pell City, AL 35125